Saturday, September 26, 2009

Pokies and Pints

Perhaps the greatest threat yet posed against South Auckland is the steadily growing number of gambling joints and alcoholism brought on by the frequency of liquor stores and pokie machines in the area.

It seems to have become a fact of life for low socio-economic suburbs to become outfitted with such things, and South Auckland has also fallen prey to these resplendent machines and frosty mugs from hell.

Though certainly not a problem restricted to South Auckland, drinking and gambling rates, according to the Ministry of Health, have attained astronomical heights in this country.

Problem gambling and drinking are key contributors to the decay of this region of Auckland City, but once again has served to fuel the rampant stereotypes that harbour within the public sub-consciouness

The animated television comedy, BroTown, is one such example. Like The Simpsons, BroTown is a satirised account of the lives of Pacific Island students who attend St Sylvester high school, and stereotypes pertaining to this cultural group are prevalent throughout.

Many episodes make mention of poor parental skills, alcoholism, obesity and other such sensitive topics that exist as a part of the aforementioned public sub-consciousness. And though BroTown is a television programme marked by stereotypical character archetypes of all kinds, only the Pacific end of the spectrum is so pronounced.

Though the programme has served to "reclaim" certain negative associations made against the Pacific Island community, it makes light of some very serious issues that relate not only to Pacific Islanders, but to the wider South Auckland population in general.

Some stereotypes do more damage through their gradual acceptance, and while the show has garnered for itself a cult following and a differing view of South Auckland life, could still pose an obstacle to South Auckland's continued development.

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  1. Great to see the links embedded in your blog!

  2. Thanks, Frank!

    I was careful about linking this time 'round, especially to more reputable sources.

    Notice that I've also included bookmarking buttons that link directly to my Delicious bookmarks?

    Pretty spiffy, eh?

  3. I think that South Auckland is definately portrayed in an unfair light. Many places in NZ suffer from the same problems that it does without getting the wrap for it. Having had both my parents work there, my Dad for over 30 years. They both say there is no where they would prefer to work and that the people there are the kindest most genuine people you will find.

  4. Thanks for you comments, Abbi.

    This is further evidence that South Auckland's purported crime and gang problems are overblown, sensationalised media tail-wagging.

    While it is not perfect, rather it is far from it, the general prejudice targeted toward this vulnerable community will only cause further grief.
